Missing out on international revenue? An English-language only website?

By Stirling Austin
Having a website that only supports the English language can obviously limit a company’s potential for international revenue – especially if local potential prospects do business in another language! Let’s face it, having a website that is easily understandable by people from different countries is a no-brainer for businesses that want to expand their reach.

In addition, a multilingual website can also help to establish trust and credibility with potential customers. For example, if a person visits a website and finds that it is available in their native language, they are more likely to feel confident and comfortable dealing with you. Plus having the website translated accurately and professionally can help to build trust and credibility.

Building a multilingual website can also help businesses to better understand the needs and preferences of their international customers; the key is in the research. By researching information and content in different languages, businesses can begin to understand how their customers think and what they are looking for in a product or service. This can be especially valuable when launching new products or entering new markets.

According to a study conducted by Common Sense Advisory, companies that have multilingual websites can increase their global revenue by up to 30%. Moreover, the same study found that 74% of consumers are more likely to purchase a product or service if information about it is available in their own language.

Having a multilingual website will enable businesses to build an international brand. Competition in any market is fierce, and businesses that want to succeed need to be able to set themselves apart, and localise their presence in order to gain new clients previously not visible.

Pixel Executive is a full-service Digital Agency. Whether for a simple brochure website, a multilingual website, an e-commerce site, or digital marketing, we help you build your business and your brand. Our team is supported by a network of trusted specialists such as copywriters, translators, and experts in multilingual SEO.  Whatever your requirement for design, content marketing, or website maintenance, we support you every step of the way.