Think about your business objectives first, then your website second!

Because websites are the gateway to business development

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About Pixel Executive

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Pixel Executive is a Digital Services Agency with a business development attitude. We build custom websites, from starter sites and e-commerce to multilingual websites, and help clients find the best online and offline routes to market. 

We are a boutique agency, supported by a network of trusted specialists such as copywriters, translators, and experts in multilingual SEO, cross-cultural communication, and website data compliance.

Who is Stirling Austin?

Over 25 years’ experience of successfully building businesses in the UK, France and across Europe. Bilingual French/English, Stirling has managed, bought, sold, acquired, merged, restructured and turned around businesses in the UK, France, and Europe and Germany, started and developed four companies and two business units from scratch and completed a number of successful assignments as an Interim Manager.

Plus a long spell as a professional musician and bandleader.

  • Computer supplies distribution
    • developed a UK/European  distributor network from £300k to £3M
    • created, developed and ran the French subsidiary of a UK Plc
      • organic growth to 18€M with 60 staff
      • acquisition and merging of two competitors to a combined turnover of €M76 and 120 staff
  • Recruitment
    • built and sold a Paris based Anglo/Franco Interim Management/Executive Search firm (2M€ fees)
    • developed a niche recruitment business specialising in Multilingual Executives
    • interim management and consulting projects:
      • asset-based finance
      • online image library project for a major media group
      • online trading exchange for IT products and services
      • distributor of technical development & business software tools
  • Entertainment
    • Founded and managed a professional function band business performing at high-end corporate and private events
  • Digital Services
    • Created Pixel Executive, specialising in brochure, E-Commerce, multilingual websites and business development
When I talk to clients about growing their business, from experience, I know which questions to ask.

Getting a return on your “online" investment

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The investment

A new website build, driving visitors, and building an online brand represents a big investment both in time and money.

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The Return

 Good design, swish functionality and getting lots of clicks is fun and exciting, but it needs to produce a return on investment.

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The relevance

Unless all you want from a website is an information blog, then it’s worth taking a step back and thinking about the business first.

The online slot machine

Give me your tired and huddled hopefuls....

Fancy Pantsy

Some web designers try to impress clients with too many elaborate design elements, rather than the pragmatic presentation of your business. 

Much clickey, no enquiry

It's easy to spend money on driving PPC clicks, or page ranking SEO. Is online marketing the most effective and cost-efficient way of getting business?

Unfortunately, the world is full of people who say they can build you a boat - without knowing much about sailing.

business app

The purpose of websites and digital marketing

Fact: The purpose of your website is to showcase your products and services and convince visitors to buy your products and services. True or false? 

Fact: The purpose of digital marketing is brand development, likes, clicks, etc to drive prospects and clients to your site. True or false? 

All true, B.U.T. (behold the underlying truth)

If your online investment does not measurably help achieve your business goals and objectives, then the above is irrelevant.


Let's face it....

Do creatives understand your business like you do?

Web designers and digital marketers often talk about their website and digital marketing goals –  rather than your business goals. 

When business owners are clear on our their objectives and expectations, they are better at briefing a web designer or digital marketer, many of whom are tech and design-savvy but don’t always understand how a business works or how to translate what they do into a website that aligns with your business goals. 

4 business fundamentals that relate to your website and digital marketing

Whether you are a sole trader or a big corporation, the principles are the same.


e.g. Broad, desired outcomes you want to achieve


e.g. Specific and measurable outcomes with a timeframe that show progress on those goals


e.g. How the goals and objectives will be achieved


e.g. Specific actions that you will take to carry out your strategies and achieve your goals and objectives

If I had eight hours to chop down a tree, I'd spend six sharpening my axe

  • Benchmark other websites
  • Speak to your customers. …
  • Engage with your competitors – speak to the competition about the competition.
  • Decide what your hook is – product range, pricing, service
  • Adapt your look and feel to what your target clients expect to see
  • Colours and font hierarchy
  • Style of language and writing tone
    • soft sell e.g. coaching – inspiration, empathy, positivity
    • hard sell e.g. commodity – pricing, calls to action, cross-selling
  • B2B or B2C – talking to trade is a different message than consumers

Digital marketing may not be the best client acquisition method. Referral, direct mail, brochures, prospecting key targeted clients may work better.

  • 20% increase in enquiries from X, Y and Z type clients in 2021
  • Achieve 5k views of our video on the homepage by April
  • 300 new newsletter signups before December
  • Increase enquiry conversion rate on our widget packages to 5% in Q4

50% of users are on mobile. Less is more: design your site with mobile in mind. Users are put off by too much text.

  • The quality of your videos, images and copy and ease of navigation will determine whether customers will choose your offer or one of your competitors

  • Where do prospects go next after Linked your website. These days, it’s about standing out from the crowd. Invest in quality, not cheap and generic.

Conclusion - don’ts and do's

Don't forget that fixing clear and measurable objectives increases the success of your website and digital marketing.
Don't begin any discussion on websites or online marketing talking about "user experience", “community and engagement” or colours. Talk about where you want to take your business and what you want from your website.
Do re-visit your objectives before talking to any potential digital partners?. Make sure your digital partner "gets" your business (spot the pun).Too many Digital Agencies and Google laugh all the way to the bank.
Do remember that your website and marketing message are an investment you are making for one principal get business.Think about your business objectives first, then your website second!
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Thank you. Any questions, please ask!