Web Design Project Checklist

An onboarding guide for your web design project.

This checklist covers the key areas so we can get started and efficiently manage your web design project. Please read through and let us know if any questions.

Project stages

1st stage

Provision of content and images * We create a development site * We produce a draft outline of the home page for review and approval (using placeholder content)

2nd stage

We build the rest of the pages/functionality and design around the content provided in line with the home page design * Review, revisions and approval * Optimisation for mobile devices * Migration to live server

Please provide full login access to any existing online platforms.

  • Domain name provider 
  • Hosting provider/Cpanel/control panel
  • Existing website(s)
  • Payment gateway provider for e-commerce sites(developer access)

If you are providing colour preferences or a mood board, let us have:

  • Colour palette with hex references
  • Font styles for headings, body text and logo. N.B. ( we only recommend standard web compatible fonts so as to avoid rendering issues with different browsers).
  • If you are supplying images, bear in mind they should blend with the colour scheme and site content
  • Images must be supplied in a high-resolution digital format, and suitably compressed for the web. (e.g. maximum 150k-300k file size)
  • Please make sure images are clearly labelled for reference -do not send numbered images as it makes it very difficult to identify what goes where! 
  • If you are purchasing stock images, please supply the logins (e.g. Shutterstock) or share the folder and image reference so we can download directly. 
  • We will provide a link to a Google Drive folder where you can upload your images
  • Logos should be png transparent or svg format
  • Please ensure the logo is suitable for both desktop and mobile devices, or provide a separate mobile version so that fits whatever the size of device. For example a logo that is very tall will take up lots of space on a mobile phone, so a horizontal version is better.
  • We suggest avoiding straplines or slogans  as part of logos, they take up a lot of space on small devices and can be difficult to read.
  • We will provide a link to a Google Drive folder where you can upload your images

Please provide content based on the agreed pages and sections of the site specification, with headings, sub-headings and paragraphs clearly shown.

  • Each web pages’ content and sections should be in its own separate word document labelled by page.
  • Team bios
    • Testimonials including images
    • Downloads & Resources or links
      • Contact info(Phone number(s), Email address, email to send form to
    • API codes(e.g. Mailchimp, Recaptcha)
    • Social Media profile links
    • YouTube/Vimeo Video links
    • Legals
      • Privacy Policy page text
      • Terms and Conditions text
      • Shipping and delivery

For multilingual sites:

  • the translated text should be approximately the same length as the original language so as to ensure that this fits with the corresponding design layout of each page 
  • Translations must be provided in a separate word document per page and section by section, with the original language paragraph above its translated section so we can cross-reference easily.

If you have an existing site and we are uploading your blog articles, then we require access to your existing site. Otherwise, we will show you how to create and modify blog posts and attach featured images.

As a general rule, we only start the website build once we have around 70% of the content for the site, (e.g. sections, headings, sub-headings, text and images) since much of the design and layout depends on the content.

We can use some placeholder images and dummy copy, but it is best to send us as much final content as possible before we start building to avoid using up time that can be spent on revisions.

  • We design multi-language sites starting with the primary language. Secondary languages are only added once the final primary language design is completed and approved across all devices. 
  • Client to provide translations.
  • Unless otherwise agreed, the site will have the same global page designs for all languages, to make it efficient and consistent for changes and updates across all versions. Therefore you need to provide us with translated text which is as near as possible in word count as the primary language so as to ensure consistency for the corresponding design layout of each translated page. Please let your translation agencies know this. If translations require changes that affect the global design, we will revert back to you to confirm extra modification work and cost.
  • Translations must be provided in a separate word document per page and section by section, with the original language paragraph above its translated section to avoid confusion and keep the process efficient. Any extra work to format translation content will be chargeable..

Please ensure that third party content providers (such as copywriters, and translation agencies) supply content based on the agreed layout.

Content and images provided must be compatible  with the agreed site design and layout, for example orientation 

If your graphic designer is providing mockups, e.g; static design visuals from which we are building the site, this must be also approved by us so as to ensure that graphics, motion features and layout fall within the build specification and quote.  

We will send a link to a shared Google Drive folder for you to upload all documents and images.

N.B. We do not accept images over messaging apps or email as this is difficult to keep track of and may cause quality issues.

If you have an existing site and we are uploading your products, then we require you to supply a CSV file with all product information and media attachments. If we have agreed to export and import, then we require access to your existing site.
  • Product listing with Title, Category, Description, Image, and price,  shipping method(s) & costs, Payment method(s)
  • Product titles and descriptions of same lengths
  • Product images should be  in .jpeg format, 800 x 800px.
  • Your image files should be compressed as much as possible to optimise page loading, for example a maximum of 150 kb. Let us lnow if you require us to compress images for you.

Unless agreed otherwise, we set up a maximum of 10 single or variable products of each type and show you how to add and configure product listings and publish them to the shop. You will be responsible for configuring any variable data specific to the shop products, pricing, delivery costs, discount levels, stock levels, product changes, invoicing etc and the general management of the store. (Unless you have asked us to manage this for you as part of your maintenance agreement). 
  • All points must be grouped together in one email, with a dated Word/text document attachment. We do not accept changes via messaging apps or editable platforms(e.g. Google Docs) as changes cannot be accurately tracked.
  • Replacement copy and images supplied should be compatible with layout and page sections.

Sometimes it can take a while for us to receive new content, either from your team, or other suppliers who need to schedule the work in, for example revised copy from a copywriter and graphics from a graphic designer.

Please factor this in to your expected time scales for the build process. Once we get your revisions, we will schedule this in as soon as possible, but that any third party delays may affect the overall estimated build time.

Please designate 1 main person only for providing all content provision and revisions, and for liaising on the design project.