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Création de sites web

The psychology of websites

The psychology of websites refers to the study of how people interact with and perceive the design and content of websites. Understanding the psychological principles

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international business development

Will AI affect your business?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the buzzword of the decade, and it’s not hard to see why. With its ability to automate processes, improve efficiency, and

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Man frustration


The nature of work is changing in an increasingly globalised and digitised world. Traditions such as the 9-5 office role or punch-in punch-out shift-work, while not exactly disappearing, are making way for the phenomenon known as remote working.

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Fractional Executives

Interim, acting, project, contract, fractional. The difference between titles can be confusing, but they all point to a specialised type of temporary executive that companies call on when they are going through transformation, or for a project.

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Création de sites web

Choosing your WordPress web design agency

When it comes to choosing a web design agency, it can often be a daunting task as the industry unfortunately has a bad name for being late, poor communication, websites that don’t work and the list goes on.

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Création de sites web

How to secure your WordPress site

The security of your WordPress site is one of the most important elements to manage when you put your website online. Here is a list of good practices to avoid piracy as much as possible.

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Make sure your site is well referenced

When choosing a new web host, don’t choose a host based on price and certainly not on recommendations of the « top 10 web hosting » sites. What they actually do is list the hosts that pay them the most commissions.

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Création de sites web

Questions to ask when hiring a web design agency

Hiring a web agency to design a website for you can be a daunting task. There are many things to compare and contrast between agencies before making a final decision. You assess hiring one over the other and try to predict how things will go with each.

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The 10 most useful business languages

The job market is more competitive and globalized than ever before, and successful candidates must be able to cross cultural and linguistic borders. Not only does knowing a second language provide many different cognitive benefits, it also can help give your business the competitive edge.

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